Title: Harry In Motion Fandom: Kingsman: The Secret Service Characters: Eggsy/Harry and JB Rating: Mature Word Count: 500 Summary: Eggsy watches Harry train An: Written for the slashthedabble prompt: Poetry An2: Also here at AO3
Tilte: Stormy Fandom: Kingsman: The Secret Service Characters: Harry/Eggsy Rating: Pg-13 Word Count: 500 Summary: Same age, not spy AU. Eggsy shows up at Harry's with a black eye An: Written for the slashthedrabble prompt: Past Prompts- 026 Stormy An2: Also here at AO3
Title: Good Looking Fandom: Kingsman: The Secret Service Characters: Harry/Eggsy Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 500 Summary: Harry watches Eggsy An: Written for the slashthedrabble prompt: common sense
Daddy's Boy (1464 words) by look_turtles Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin Summary: Someone has a daddy kink, but it is not who you think.
Title: Old Man Characters: Eggsy/Harry and J.B. Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1,526 Summary: How Eggsy ended up with a box full of puppies and saw his neighbor in a new light. An: can also be read here on AO3
Title: Lucky Man Fandom: Kingsmen: The Secret Service Characters: Eggsy/Harry and J.B. Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1,132 Summary: Harry is lucky in more ways than one. AN: Written for the fan_flashwork Prompt: Amnesty: Backwards